Hello World

In the last chapter you flashed and run your first piece of code on the SoC - while that is already really exciting we can do better.

Traditionally the first thing to run on a microcontroller is blinky.

However we will start with Hello World here.

Add a Dependency

In Cargo.toml in the [dependencies] section add this line:

esp-println = { version = "0.3.1", features = ["esp32c3"] }

esp-println is an additional crate that calls ROM functions to print text that is shown by espflash or espmonitor (or any other serial monitor).

We need to pass the feature esp32c3 since that crate targets multiple SoCs and needs to know which one it is supposed to run on.

In main.rs before the loop {} add this line

esp_println::println!("Hello World");

Please note: Both espflash and espmonitor both only show output when a new-line is detected. There is also a print! macro but nothing will be shown until a new-line is received.

However other serial monitors work differently.

See Results

Again run

cargo run

You should see the text Hello World printed!